More about Gretchen

She is extremely passionate about the arts, especially fashion.
She hopes to become a recognised designer.
She loves to travel and to be inspired.
She loves street style.
She is not girly, opting for a more '90s inspired grunge look.
She customises her clothes.
UO, Topshop, Zara, H&M and Riverisland are her favourite highstreet stores.
She loves anything vintage, she also likes antiques and spends far too much time watching 'bargin hunt' 'the antiques roadshow' and the likes.
She is somewhat awkward.
She could easily go on mastermind with the specialist subject 'Harry Potter'.
She is a vegeterian.
She is highly opinionated.
On her iPod you will find: arcade fire, los campensonos! the wombats, the teenagers, foals, shiny toy guns, plushgun, deathcab for cutie...and anything dubstep.
She is an Aquarious.
She does not try to be 'unique' because it seems that everyone else is already trying to be. Instead she is herself.
She is a fully confessed nerd
This is her blog.